Tuesday, January 20, 2009

i pod for christmas

For Christmas I got an i pod. It was exacly what I wanted and I also got a portable speaker for it. On the first day I put songs on it that I liked, I also got songs my friend recomended. For the next three days I listend non-stop to it and found new favorite songs. My mom and dad also got i pods so I down loaded all of my dad's songs to try them out and see if I liked them.  I liked most of his songs but some of them I didn't but I still kept them on my I Pod.  I found out about the games on my second day of having it and I had played them all about six times by the end of the day.

Why Mark 2

Hi I'm Patrick I called this blog Patrick's blog mark 2 because I forgot the user name for my previous blog (Mark 2). I took this opportunity to change some things I didn't like about the first one, such as the template and I will also change my picture. Also if I was following a blog you made I will also follow it now so you will have a second blog following yours.